A healthy community provides opportunities to its members. And information technology should be used within the community to help people have a better awareness of the community and be more involved. I believe information technology is very important. A community needs a centralized address where members communicate and collaborate. I have a development plan to provide more software for paying customers and non-paying charities. I also plan on treating government organizations like charities because I believe there are some important tools that will help its members participate in new, creative, and empowering ways. I want to help communities collaborate with new technologies.
I do want to share my dream for my community. I want clean water available to everyone. I want people to access the local collaboration website to monitor real-time water conditions. I can build this technology. I want the community to build automated greenhouses which are monitored so that important information is made available on the collaboration website. Education systems can then use the greenhouse data to help develop an appreciation and understanding for food and technology. The food made in the greenhouses should be used to help reduce the cost of food within the community over time. Buildings that are not being used by the community can be repurposed greenhouses where the automation technologies are developed and shared with the world. These water and greenhouse technologies are open source information which help to solve diet related problems around the world!
The community needs to provide internet access to all members. The internet access should not be high speed in the beginning. We should use technologies that are cheap because we want to end up giving these technologies to other people around the world! Use low-speed long-distance radio to update proxy servers where community members near the proxy server connect with higher-speed shorter-distance radio. The first implementations should consider that each proxy-server is a library that will store important information for the community members in the vicinity. First implementations may require community members without personal electronic devices to visit their nearest library. But I want this "library" to be automated. The library will basically be a proxy-server with radio on a tower existing as part of the community owned cellular network. This technology is very important! It will help reduce the costs of education! It will give people the ability to connect, share, and collaborate! And these cellular towers can be used to help reduce government costs in so many places! Cameras connected to community cellular towers help to identify hazards in our roadways and waterways! We can eventually have automated transportation services connected to these cellular towers to help with responsive routing algorithms! Each "library" is a "school" as gifted children increasingly use technology instead of the modern education system!
The community energy should make use of a better waste management system. All biodegradable waste can be processed in ways that allow for the capture of methane which is then burned into carbon dioxide. This process is sustainable because the input of biodegradable material and the output of carbon dioxide will occur with or without the add process for collecting methane. The design of the methane harvesting system can be decreased in size so that the systems can be distributed and the energy grid can be decentralized. Imagine community members depositing biodegradable waste at a nearby location which is responsible for supplying energy locally! There are other sources of energy, but I focus on waste management because managing our waste is an essential ingredient when attempting to manage the quality of our water and air. Because methane is a hazard we will benefit from a decentralized waste management design. The lack of decentralization is a major problem in our modern waste management designs.
I already mentioned my desire for automated transportation. I also want our postal service to invest in UAV technologies. The UAVs can exist as nodes in the community cellular network providing image data about hazard conditions on our roadways and waterways. They can perform delivery services replacing the need for the modern mailman in our community. Imagine having an automated greenhouse connected to an automated delivery system where healthy food can be delivered to anyone anywhere in the community!
My most radical idea is to allow for people to live healthy and happy lives without the need for a permanent sleeping structure. That's right - let us build a community where people are free to be homeless - and let the homeless live with comfort! If I am ever homeless, I want to live in nature with other people who appreciate nature. I want to be able to access healthy food and water. I want to be able to connect to the internet and access electricity. So I imagine a setup in the forest for our homeless nature lovers. This is actually a testing ground for technologies and protocols which can be distributed around the world to solve many of the Earth's People's problems. There will need to be a mobile structure that is implanted in the forest. The mobile structure will be as automated as possible. And even when it is not automated - engineers and volunteers can continuously attempt to improve the system. Older designs are shared with people in need and newer designs are implemented. In this way - the homeless people will be able to gather around this amazing mobile and autonomous structure. These homeless communities can be implemented on private or public land. But I recommend that they are implemented in a way that increases the range of the community cellular network. And I hope that one day the network will cover the entire globe and will provide opportunities for the world community.
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