What am I doing?
What are my goals?
I like to help people. And the best way I have found for me to help others is to give them new tools and teach them how to use those tools. I estimate that I have written software that is being used by 1000 people. I started writing software in 2008 which provides more awareness of information to people and machines in the defense department. I recognized that I did not want people to ever use the software I was writing. If people use the software I wrote for the defense department - then we are at war. That software I wrote with the defense department could be repurposed for something other than war, but I don't want to wait around for that to happen. And I don't want war.
I was naturally attracted to web development because the internet is used by so many people. I started learning about web development a few years ago, but I didn't get serious until a few months ago. I connected up with an internet marketing expert, Chris Moore, who was interested in doing web hosting. And I followed my heart. With my recent work I learned some reasons why I was led to web development. Web development lets me create a tool for a website and then share that tool with other people. I recognize that many people don't know how to use these internet tools. And working with Chris has allowed me to see him teaching others how to use the internet with the tools I was creating.
I have learned many more things working with Chris. I learned about affiliate programs where teams of people can work together and share in their success. And I knew I wanted to eventually create my own unique affiliate programs and build new teams that work together in new ways. So the software I develop will speak toward my ability as a software developer. I promise you that I will learn. I will get better. And I do want to help you by providing useful software. But I want to do so much more. I have big goals and I need affiliates. I have met some affiliates with a team of people over at svpautopilot.com. Most of my affiliates don't know me yet. And that is the purpose of this blog. I am reaching out to people who are already paying me for providing them a website.
My dream is to see a world without hunger. I have many other good dreams. And I have thought of many tools that must be created. I have learned so much about internet software and I will continue to learn more. My affiliates are paying me to learn and build new tools. So now I want to lay out some of the tools I want to build. Because you are an affiliate - you will be able to use my tools on your own website which I host.
The first tool will allow me to poll my affiliates in order to prioritize my efforts. So you will access a webpage where you will see this list. You would login and provide a vote-up, vote-down, or no-vote for any item. This increases my awareness of what my affiliates want most. - FINANCE
This tool will allow you to see the money going in and out of my paypal account. The webpage will allow visitors to explore my transaction data. My affiliates will be anonymous by default but they can choose to have their information shared. - Q&A
This tool allows affiliates to ask questions. Other affiliates are free to vote on questions and answers. VOTE software would be built before this software would be built. See stackoverflow for an idea. - INVENTORY
This tool lets you list items that you are selling. You can provide basic information about that item. Visitors (including non-affiliates) to this webpage will be able to select items which then update the inventory list for all other visitors. A payment tool (like paypal) can be integrated with this tool.( - SURVEILLANCE
This tool lets you buy some hardware and connect it up to your website. Something like raspbery pi will connect up to various peripherals like thermometers, motion sensors, cameras, timed switches, and more. Automated farming systems will make use of a tool like this. But this will also be useful for property surveillance & control in general. I hope to show live feeds on my automated farms. One day our nuclear weapons might have a live-feed shared on the internet with technology like this. - TIME
This tool lets you see how much I work. I could go over to this webpage and mark events for when I start a new task or switch to a different task. You could visit my time sheet to monitor me. - ALERT
This tool lets you broadcast an alert to people who have registered for the alert. An alert could be generated off of some SURVEILLANCE trigger. Your LOCATION could be helpful here if you came under attack. This can be better than the modern 911 phone call. I also imagine teaching infants to touch a button on a touchscreen in order to communicate information like "need new diaper". - LOCATION
This tool lets you track people or report your own location. I know a few people who fear to go running by their self. Turn on your GPS and share your location information on your website. Instead of giving someone directions - just point them to your website to help them find you... or to let them share their location with you. - SCHEDULING
This tool lets visitors choose from available times on a calendar. Many websites will benefit from allowing visitors to schedule appointments. The website owner will be able to setup their intended hours for accepting appointments.
My hope is to acquire enough affiliates to help me eventually create the tools to eliminate world hunger. As more affiliates join the team we will have more opportunity to bring about real change.